The Power Of Images

June 03, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

not sure if you know this about me, but I have been a blogger for quite some time. i first participated in blogging in a mastermind group as a writer. naive as many of us were back then ( 2005),  we found out that the master was making money off our organic content. he actually took the money and ran. left a family behind even. yikes.

when i began a work/work blog i used link rich posts as a directive tool to get traffic to a site that wasn't particularly searchable on the web. funny because that work website is still not "found" in a google search. nor is it designed very well,  but that's another story for another time.

I have been on hiatus from that blog for a bit now.  Its broken;  my media library is a mess, most of the links don't work, it doesn't read well on a phone.  it's basically outdated.  i feel an indescribable overwhelm at the prospect of fixing it all.  my vested interest has waned.  this is a problem others experience too.  the truth is technology changes all the time.  I know I have changed.  my desire to fill a post with link rich content is not the same.  I like things in smaller doses these days.  

I am not alone. I have been observing that when a company or a person takes on a web presence -- this could be in the form of a blog, a page/profile on FB, a facelift to an old website, or even an account on instagram -- the ONE thing that is a constant for all of these platforms is the need for powerful imagery.

An image speaks. 

I can't help but wonder about the VOLUME of images I have to offer in my portfolio and how they could be useful to others.

In reality I really don't have a clue how to make that happen.

yet, I'd like to try.  

What do you think?




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Photography = a never ending opportunity to capture visual celebrations. 


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