Announcing :: The 500 Series - Originals Only.

April 28, 2016 - In the spirit of a pre-mom's day sale coming up this saturday at The Bureau. I decided to launch an originals only rele...
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April 20, 2016 - I am preparing for an artist of the month window display. TWO windows actually. Two windows featuring ME and MY creati...
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Creative Subconscious Collage Workshop

April 05, 2016 - The Creative Subconscious Collage Workshop is a process. Trusting the workshop process includes allowing facilitation an...
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The Shearing Of Sheep

April 03, 2016 - The neighbors had a sister/brother team come out to shear a few sheep. I enjoyed photographing a process I have never s...
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Spring In Washingon

April 01, 2016 - I just HAD to post a gesture of the spring gorgeousness here.
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Photography = a never ending opportunity to capture visual celebrations. 


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