We Use Pine Pellets For Cat Litter

September 22, 2019 - Meet Amber. My feline companion and friend. She came into my life early 2019. She's a quirky, nervous, petite cali/tabby...
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What's Next For 2020

September 18, 2019 - I have been in an internal space lately. 9 months into 2019. The year has been a flurry! A good flurry. Despite good, I...
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Amber The Cat 2020 Calendar

September 05, 2019 - The calendar is ready! The calendar is ready!! The "Amber The Cat " 2020 Calendar is READY! I have secured a print on...
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Main Gallery 404

September 03, 2019 - In 2009 my daughter started college. I bought a little house in Central IL to be near her. I had just started to teach m...
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Photography = a never ending opportunity to capture visual celebrations. 


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