Collage Tells Stories For Me

March 29, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

My personal process for making a collage starts with a pause. like a deep breath. never more than that. just a small moment before i begin. 

sometimes i will let a word find me. what word describes what am i feeling during this pause?  It's nice to compare that beginning word to the word that finds you after you collage.

I then tear apart a magazine and/or pull images from a stack of already torn pages. My work space could remind you of a deck of cards except my cards are pages and pages of all sorts of magazines.

I then assemble. In 2013 I began to collage in a journal.  That style of collecting work turned into a story of my life illustrated through collage.

Occasionally I have a clear vision of a finished piece with what I find, but mostly it comes together as I go. The images seem to have a plan for themselves.  Like this needs to be cut, or this needs to be torn.  This shape goes in this direction etc.  I love the challenge of puzzling it together.  When it is finished I am continually in awe of what a collage will narrate from my subconscious mind. Over and over they tell my story. I always feel so relaxed after completing a piece.

For this particular collage I had only pulled two images. In my mind, i had one idea for it, my gut however said no cut them into strips and let the two intermingle. The result was remarkable. I like this collage very much.


Lately, I've been called to use scissors more than usual. Not sure why. When making this collage I randomly placed one of the images on top of my phone and it glowed! Isn't that wild?

Once I finish a collage I let words find me to be complete with it.  free flow. sometimes i ask the words for a title but mostly I want to be with what it initially tells me.

For this piece the word "divided" spoke the loudest. 

Beginning in 2017 I started an instagram hash tag #icollagedaily just to see how that phone based social platform works and to provide example and accountability for daily creating. Its neat to see all the collages assembled in one space, better yet ...another artist @saraglactica posts her collages too! I sorry to say that I am not that attached to my phone to be in the moment with my fellow connections on instagram but I sure do love how responsive so many folks are of me when I post. 



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Photography = a never ending opportunity to capture visual celebrations. 


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