Save The Date :: Solo Collage Exhibit :: Inspirit-Form

July 12, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

Coming to the Deming Library September 20th through Oct 28th

A solo collage exhibit.


The modern human often lives apart from the wild, in habitats formed from concrete and steel. We find ourselves seeking methods to amend this detachment with recreational activities such as bird watching and site seeing. However, the wild have eyes of their own, and as they return gaze towards the viewer an essential connection is rekindled.

Karen Hanrahan conjoins people and wildlife, presenting a transmogrified vision. Inspirit-Form showcases a study on anthropomorphic digressions to the origins of humanities early evolution. The hybrid human-and-animal figures are archetypal expressions of the love-hate analyzed from past relationships. Hanrahan’s medium of torn paper collage provokes discussion around the world of animal life, and how an active vision for the wild may hold answers to the deeper questions in our lives.

Closing reception and Artist Talk Friday Oct 27th at 4:30

Curated by Jody Thompson








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