Why Make Art

August 14, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

I have been thinking lately about the compulsion to create.  For those of us who are artists - we get it, but does someone not into making really understand?  As many years as I have been tearing found images into collages, none have felt like these recent years.  I see, think, wonder and sometimes even dream in collage.  I love this compulsion. My making process affirms itself over and over. Images choose me, and an artful flow knowingly becomes something finished. It perpetuates. THIS is why I make art. The making is very self defining

In a cerebral art world they speak to elements and principles of design. Things like line, shape and texture, color, hue, value, and space all come into play. Balance, symmetry, asymmetry. proportion, rhythm, and unity are considered. How is the piece composed? Does it follow the rules of composition? Layering can make for a very interesting collage presentation.  

I sometimes feel if I have to stumble over the correct language to describe a piece of art that it's overwhelming. I am terrible about following the rules in most aspects of my life.  Including art making and art commenting.  In college one of the big lessons in life drawing was the quality of line.  I got that, but as an artist if I wanted my line to be exaggerated or something other than what was being taught, I'd get a lower grade.  I often felt like I was put in my place. That individuality was not tolerated.  Maybe I was a bad student. I was trying even then to have my own unique signature 

I value tremendously a provocative critique offered by another that speaks to art elements and principles. I respect their grasp of the formulaic ways of describing what is art.   For me, I offer a more organic conversation, something a tad less intense.  Take a step back and notice what strikes you in an art piece. What are the shapes? The colors? What lines are you drawn to and where do those lines take you? Is the collage pretty, moody, abstract, pleasing, perhaps the piece is disturbing ? If so, why? What is the overall experience? 

When I first started to collage there were those who bravely tore paper.  I was not one of those. I used scissors for a really long time. I am clear it was a control thing. I have observed  that sometimes in my life now if I am upset that my collages will seek a layer of control and scissors will come out. An interesting thing to be a part of.  The beauty of tearing however is just that - it's risky, freeing and really fun! The edges a tear can bring to a collage....paper edges, unevenness, the white that is left behind in a tear ...all become an element of interest in a collage art piece. I love that! 

The final expression for me are the messages relayed from the subconscious mind.  This is why my work became a personal narrative.  each collage built upon another to tell the story of my days going by. I couldn't help but notice it. Sometimes i found the insight to be quite compelling. I also felt that teaching others this technique very rewarding and a great way to connect with others.

Below are two collages that are not like most of my work.

Forgive the two different times of day that I photographed these collages. The first was taken in day light, the other under a drawing light. I should go back and re-photograph these at the same time in the same light.  I'll do that and add them. A friend gave me a stack of this pithy handmade paper. it's a different color paper than i am used to working on and not necessarily a paper I would choose. But i just love it in these two pieces.

the torn edges are fantastic!!

windows are often found in my collage work

in these, the windows become part of the paper

much like i am beginning to feel at home in my new loft and studio

i feel like both of these pieces have a sense of movement.

like the windows are open and a breeze is billowing in. 

in the first collage are ink smudges of the person who gave me this paper

i wanted to include that person in my work.

thank you for this great paper










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Photography = a never ending opportunity to capture visual celebrations. 


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