Inspirit Form Continues Tour at Brazen Shop and Studio

June 06, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

In it's third installation,  Inspirit-Form - a 22 piece collage show, now hangs through June and July at Brazen Shop + Studio in Downtown Bellingham. 

Hung by shop owners with great care, with signage that makes me feel like a rock star, and folks who say hey didn't i see this hanging at the coop!

Yup, Inspirit - Form is on tour.

commentary from it's last hanging:

" If you haven't had a chance to check out Karen's work in person, now's your chance! I had the pleasure of an up-close viewing while munching a sandwich at the Cordata Food Co-op yesterday. It has such an epic and important feel to it, and when you see multiple pieces together it really comes together as a cohesive, poignant, chilling, yet inspiring body of work (chilling in a good way)." 




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