Art Access Magazine

January 06, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

A year ago some friends and I attended a bird themed exhibit titled "flight of fancy" at Smith and Vallee Gallery in Edison.  This gallery is known for it's artist talks, something I use to enjoy when I lived in the midwest. I loved the well curated exhibit and the space. I also enjoyed the quirky small town of Edison. The day we went was bitter cold and the town had it's annual chicken parade. too fun!!

The bird theme has become an annual exhibit at Smith And Vallee Gallery. 

Sheri at Fourth Corner Frame and Gallery encouraged me to reach out to Andrew and submit my crow photograph! I did, and was enthusiastically included in the show.

Sheri also introduced me to the magazine Art Access, which I thought was a Seattle only publication. I got an email saying Andrew from Smith And Vallee wanted to use my crow photograph to represent the 7th annual invitational bird show "Strange Birds"   I was beside myself excited. That opening reception is 2/2 until 2/24

Turns out Sheri included my crow image in her poster for Fourth Corner Frame And Gallery's exhibit  "Oh Snap"

This had my crow published in Art Access Magazine twice!!! ( pg 17 and 19) 

Is that crazy or what? 





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Photography = a never ending opportunity to capture visual celebrations. 


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