Fowl Play Invitational At Smith and Vallee Gallery

February 02, 2024  •  Leave a Comment

Smith and Vallee Gallery is in the old school house in Edison which is in the Skagit Valley, WA. When I moved to the PNW ( in 2015 ) I felt like a stranger in a strange land. Since I was raised in the midwest I sometimes feel like I might always feel that way. The two are so different!

This is my 6th year participating in the galleries bird themed invitational. I pinch myself at how many years I've participated because sometimes i still feel new here. The gallery makes me feel like I belong and I really value that. 

For Fowl Play I submitted older works. 6 bird pieces made during a time when I was still developing my stitched collage work. I had been gifted a book of vintage birds, and a priceless bird book made by a 9 year old boy in 1935. He was the father of a gal I know. These 6 resources for these particular birds are from 1900. All told 40 + pieces of collage art were made at this time.  They have shown in a variety of circumstances, some have sold. I've not shown these 6 yet, which is why I felt that they would be perfect for this year. By design they hang individually but in a grid, a bit like a quilt.

I love the 30 minute trek to Edison. I visit certain places near by and snap an annual image. An "I see you" moment, mostly in the form of a drive by. its just enough of a dose of road trip, familiar and beautiful to have me feel happy. I like that.

I make sure to use the rest room at the gallery. ( art in bathrooms. love. ) 

and to eat a kouign-mann from Bread Farm ( omg )



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Photography = a never ending opportunity to capture visual celebrations. 


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