Integrating Typography Into Collage

January 10, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

Soon, at Jansen Art Center, I will be teaching a class that has a specific technique and creative focus.

The class I've taught for sometime The Creative Subconscious Collage Workshop, while still comprehensive does not seem to be a fit for my current demographic. Since I love teaching and sharing collage I am excited to take on new ways of doing so. 

I found this particular project and use of typography in a book titled: The Collage Workbook by Randel Plowman and brought my own twist to it.

I feel its important to distinguish the difference between words and type. I am not one to typically collage with words. Words do find me, and I value them greatly, just not within my art. At least not regularly. Playfully, I devote a page to words at the end of every journal. They are in my opinion their own thing. Generally, I find words distracting in a collage that to me is about utilizing imagery.

Words say something. Like the piece "work in progress"

( made that one recently, the day after I had moved ) 

Typography does not.



Typography is a now diminished art form. When I personally think of typography it's in reference to a word document. A favorite font, its shapes and size. In it's prime before the digital age typography was a very important and specialized occupation. 

In my collage work typography is about the relationships of the curves, lines and positive and negative space each letter or Font has.  In one collage I felt that graffiti was its own form of typography, it played nicely within the context of my collage

Playing with typography within my art work has been really fascinating.

I did break my own rule and incorporate a word in some of these. 

That's the beauty of being a creative

it gets to be whatever you want it to be!

I look forward to continue integrating typography into my collage work

and teaching others to do the same!





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