At the beginning of 2017 I took on the hashtag #icollagedaily over at instagram. I set the intention to collage each and every day. And. I actually did that! I realize that I am prolific in image taking. 2017 would express that I am equally prolific in collaging. I have now come to the conclusion that I am compelled to "make". Making shows up as a narrative of my day to day life. Photography, collage and even making dinner are all part of how I express myself.
It's one thing to be loyal to an intention, it's another to produce work that visually narrated and triumphed a rather tough year. At the very end of it all it's now like what? What do I do with all of this art? How do I tell what it is that I have accomplished? Where do I even begin?
Well, I have a few ideas:
In Nov I had the opportunity to submit an installation with the idea of displaying 365 pages of art. Because when you collage each and every day, that's what you end up with. I did submit an idea, and as another artist friend of mine says - these proposals are a bit like giving birth - they are really intense to get together and submit. You really get into your head when pulling together a larger idea to a panel of judges. or an art board.
If I am actually granted the opportunity to do that sortof solo exhibition. Well - wow. right? That good news remains to be seen.
In the meantime or until I have a venue to take on and show last years volume of work. I still feel rather daunted by trying to encapsulate what I had created in a simpler way. Following the approach I've taken with my photographs in years past and making an annual calendar. I followed that process and selected 3 collages from each of the last 12 months as a gesture of this medium.
I plan to sit with my journals. All 6 of them. Tear them apart, and assemble them into themes that can be used for future solo installations. That should take me some time. I'll report back what I discover!
I summarized my year this way in my holiday newsletter:
I find the more art I make, the more art I want to make. I am my best self and happiest when I am making. My art making I am told pulls those around me into a narrative. Folks feel a sense of belonging, and a wondering about what I might make next. This level of audience and encouragement, especially this past year when making on a daily basis was very satisfying. My "in the moment" art sales not only helped gaps in my income, but fueled my making pleasure indescribably. Very defining for me as an artist.
In 2017 I had 9 collages in juried exhibits. I had 4 hangings in retail establishments both with photography and with collage. I had collages on consignment in a gift shop, and in two galleries. A trio of black and white collages continue to tour, they have been in 4 establishments. 4 of my photographs were chosen for honorable mention in a local event. I had a solo collage installation - 22 pieces of work, my most cohesive body of collage work yet - with rave review. "Inspirit-Form" is scheduled to show in multiple venues in 2018. It is also virtually represented with Gallery Pegasus at their Artsy space. I have been invited to show new works in two group shows so far in the year ahead.
Below are the 36 collages that I selected to represent this past year's daily making: I feel the collection as a whole is best described as "morphed" I like words as prompts, and as descriptors - these pieces illustrate: flight, female power, trees and how they root me, bullying, stalking, harassment, fear, loss of home stability, searching for home, stress around finding a place to live, duality, shouting to be heard, declarative power, haunted, relief, the influence of the moon, or nature, loss or death of, loneliness, youth, NYC, whimsy, the color blue, the sanctity of home, maternal love, friendships, leaning on others, striking a pose, knowing, laughter, the incorporation of typography. My work often uses paired image technique, is bold in its expression, and in the use of color.
The entire album is here if you want to see them in gallery style. All are for sale.
Photography = a never ending opportunity to capture visual celebrations.