New Skills

December 04, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

recently a woman told me i needed to learn a new skill. she said i already had an artistic aesthetic and that all i needed was to tap into that. i found her assessment of my ideas and needs to be very refreshing and encouraging. she was spot on. learn a new skill. duh.

the thing is, this learning new things and skills i feel is a percolating theme.

i just decided i am going to have it be my theme for 2017.  

Last years theme was "path"

with all the shift in direction especially in finding and feeling that i have a home

path was a good word for last year.

I thought i'd start learning new skills early.

one of the joys of this past year included showing some art.

however showing art has a few challenges.

for me, the expense of putting art up is something i've discussed here before.

i decided to learn how to wire these 5 pieces myself.

i am not adept at tools.

i also have lame tools.

my hands are not strong.

but i watched a gal do it at a local frame store.

and in a few videos.

I thought,

if they can do it. 

so can i 


and so armed with wire that was the wrong gauge, and hardware that was too big for the frame, I turned my oak kitchen table into a workspace and I did it!!

the project was not without a few challenges though.

like putting the hole in the wrong place

so that when i screwed in the hardware it almost came out the other side.


or not being able to get screws in straight.

or flat. 

but in the end and after some patience.

all 5 pieces looked pretty darn wired!!

and I saved money!!

The opening for the juried Winter Exhibit at Jansen Art Center begins December 8th, 2016 - the show will hang until the end of February.

These are the pieces I submitted



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Photography = a never ending opportunity to capture visual celebrations. 


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