Winter Is Blue

November 09, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Spent some time today submitting art for a winter juried exhibit at the Jansen Art Center. I had some decisions to make about what to submit. Winter photographs, which I have some beautiful captures of, or collages. With the advent of my class proposal to teach a Creative Subconscious Collage Workshop now accepted. YAY!! I felt perhaps collage work was a stronger art statement. When I think of winter, and color - there is of course the color white and snow, yet the blue of winter also really speaks to me. I decided to focus my selections around the color blue.  

My artist statement says 

Karen Hanrahan began tearing magazine images and unifying them into collage in the late 90's. Finding the process insightful and relaxing she shared the technique with others. Her Creative Subconscious Collage workshop evolved and became popular. After many years of facilitating workshops this methodology is still tried and true. Timeless, actually. A trust in the process is key, a willingness to play another, and taking the time to immerse also becomes part of doing Creative Subconscious Collage.  In recent years Karen applied this technique to journaling. Her torn bits of magazine narrated love, pain, loss and courage.  They told her story. Since it’s the only story she has, she loves that art can be therapeutic and telling. Facilitating workshops is a way to give to others this personal and inquisitive tool, as well as a way to meet other creatives like herself.

Here are the pieces I entered.   Wish me luck on being selected.

Update:  all five of my winter is blue pieces were accepted!! Opening Reception is Dec 8th, 6-8pm



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Photography = a never ending opportunity to capture visual celebrations. 


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