Collage A Calendar In 13 Days

December 06, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Collage A Calendar In 13 Days

An Online Workshop taught by Karen Hanrahan


As the year draws to a close it can often feel like time speeds up. Schedules explode and although the celebrations of the season are joyous, it can all feel a little overwhelming. 

Collage a Calendar in 13 Days will help you take the edge off your busy schedule and social obligations by giving you space for creative exploration. This online workshop will offer you a way to prepare for the New Year with grounded reflection and thoughtful intention-setting. You will learn how to create a one-of-a-kind collaged calendar for 2017 that is full of your hopes and dreams for the future. 

Just $18 - Click HERE to Enroll. 

( The Bureau is sponsoring this time sensitive workshop - registration is required by DEC 12th - be sure when registering that you click subscribe also - your instruction emails will begin DEC 13th )  

How it Works

You'll receive an email every day for 13 days. Prompts will guide you through the process of creating collages with intention, and tarot readings will provide additional depth to aid your creativity or inspire daily journaling. 

You will make 13 collages over the course of this workshop: One for the cover of your calendar, and one for each month of the year. You can do one collage a day or do a couple longer sessions-- it's up to you!

When you are finished, you will have a complete calendar that is unique to you and your intentions for the New Year.

Included in the workshop:

  • Creative Subconscious Collage tutorial that will teach you the easy, intuitive method you'll use for each collage. 
  • 13 daily collage prompts to help focus your work and set intentions. 
  • Tarot Card of the day prompts, perfect for inspiring your work or journaling as you go. 
  • Complete supplies list.
  • This online workshop is flexible so it fits into your life: Whether you want to carve out 20 minutes each morning or take your time over a beer on a Saturday afternoon.

  • The most important part is making the time and space for yourself. You choose the when and where-- we'll provide the how. 


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Photography = a never ending opportunity to capture visual celebrations. 


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