Pick A Card + Other Gifted Resources

July 03, 2023  •  Leave a Comment

In April my friend James sent me an absolute delicious box of gifts + vintage collaging materials. 

Amber loved the packing materials that it all came in! 

he included this absolutely gorgeous blue glass globe. 

i was intrigued by this ring of petrified wood that he had made. i had to send it back. it was unfortunately too heavy and large for me.

Of the collaging materials he sent, one was this memory book. made by norma in the 30's - with all sorts of newspaper clippings, school report cards, and photos. very cute illustrations

the other was this worthingtons annual from 1889 !!!! with over 500 engravings in it. i mean, wow!!

and lastly, this thoughtfully curated scrapbook of all kinds of old playing cards. 

the scrapbook was about to turn to dust. so, i had to dismantle it. i'd say there are at leasts 4 decks of cards here!!

james had pulled a select bit of cards and asked that i make him a few collages

I selected these 7 and made 5x5 stitched pieces for him.

these are the fronts - ready for binding.

my fav being the little blue one

In recent times I made this playing card collage and it sold! I like it whole i think vs 5 sided. what do you think?

I haven't known really how to roll out the entire volume of playing cards that I can make from

The idea PICK A CARD just came to me. I think I will put the cards as I select them ( mostly by what I like and or what appeals to me)  and put them in a separate portfolio. See how interested folks are. 

This is what I photographed at first glance when they all first arrived....so so very many unique cards!!



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Photography = a never ending opportunity to capture visual celebrations. 


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