Wordless Wednesday :: Two Blokes And A Bus

July 25, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

Image telling could not be more perfectly exampled than in this newly launched Kickstarter Campaign

The campaign is the story about Two Blokes ( Steff Block and Jon Fritzen) and a Double Decker Bus named Victoria. 

Not familiar with Kickstarter?? Neither was I.  

Using social media and crowd sourcing - artisans fund projects by asking for donations.  

It's a profound example of putting ourselves out there creatively for cash needed to bring a project or business to the next level.  

I am very proud to have been part of the photography production and offer input on the content and video.  

Best of all I am just thrilled to be watching these two men bring this idea to reality.


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Photography = a never ending opportunity to capture visual celebrations. 


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