Submitted Photographs For Postcard Art Show

April 02, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

VERY excited to ship off my two submissions to ISU's Friends Of The Arts Postcard Art PLUS 2014.   This year, for the first time artists don't have to be anonymous. Not only can I now post images about what I am submitting, I can also attach my name to a piece or two at the event!!  

The fundraiser last year raised $18,000 towards scholarships, student research and travel grants for fine arts students. The official event is Saturday April 26th at 5:00 PM.  They are also opening University Galleries multiple days prior to the event for viewing. Beginning Wednesday April 23rd. From 9 am - 4:30.  Great idea!  I look forward to seeing you at the event!!

The landscape was taken during a very early morning fog.   

The portrait was taken with a timer.  

BOTH, were to me, images taken in 2013 that had distinction.   

It was challenging to just pick two!



Misty Miller Park

© image by Karen Hanrahan



Right Handed

© image by Karen Hanrahan




Some of my former years Postcard Art submissions include:





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Photography = a never ending opportunity to capture visual celebrations. 


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