Image Wins Local Contest

June 11, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

In recent weeks I submitted five photographs into a local photography contest.   Small contest - over 50 entries, about 10 folks participated.   Four of my images made the finals, and one - see below won in the "community life " category!  How totally fun is that! The winning image ironically was an iphone capture. 

© image by karen hanrahan

Mid Central Community Action Center , who ran the photography contest - is a west side non-profit that offers assistance in multiple ways to those of need in our community.  Being a westside resident it was fun to see which images I had in my portfolio that spoke to the request of the contest.  I am not typically a fan of having to seek "likes" to win,  but for this contest it was simple to ask - especially of those in my neighborhood.  

Below are all the images I submitted.   To see the entire contest check out the album at MCCAC's FB page.



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Photography = a never ending opportunity to capture visual celebrations. 


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