Gallery Hanging :: Feminominal

December 09, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

I responded to a call for art - specifically seeking local female artists.  new to bellingham  and an artist - i thought hey that's me! I'm female and I am local!  Having NO connections yet to the art scene here - this seemed like something fun to participate in. The call was casual, no specific theme and while they were selective about what I submitted. the show is not juried.

Turns out the gig is part of two gals AP project for their Language and Composition Protest Project. I love the name of the project!!

The FB EVENT page is here

"We want to remedy the lack of recognition for women artists and their art. We want to bring attention to some amazing and super talented female artists in Whatcom County. So please stop by the Bureau (217 W. Holly in Bellingham). No entrance fee. The Gallery is open December 16th from 11am to 7pm, and December 17th from 11am to 7pm."

I submitted a variety of photography pieces that I have already framed.  I also submitted 6 collage pieces.  

They chose my largest piece known as "SHE" Excited to be part of this!!

The hosting space is a unique venue for costumed historical tours of Bellingham






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Photography = a never ending opportunity to capture visual celebrations. 


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