
January 20, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

I am very happy to share that from February through July, I will be selling ( SELLING!!) original collages and prints from my journal collage work of the past few years.  A recent freelance job, my first in the west actually, afforded me the cash to get a booth going. Another first for me is to have an actual vendors booth in an actual store!! I am beside myself excited. Sara - owner and curator of the delightful find of a shop known as The Bureau in Downtown Bellingham was very patient with me. New at this and such. We spent a goodly amount of time deciding which pieces would be best to hang, and print. I loved her enthusiasm for it all. The establishment hosts a variety of thoughtful gifts made by "humans"

The first selection begins with 16 pieces that have a bit of a heart theme - being February and all. I am calling them The 200 Series (201-216) I forgot that some of those originals have collages on the back side, so those will be turned into prints only. I am calling those The B Side Series.  (sorta clever-don't you think?) 

I created a signature insert with a hand written artist commentary and thank you. Figured out a display from things I have and things found - including a great wooden drawer to hold the prints (thank you for your shop side service Mary of Velvet Vintage) I signed all the originals and prints (for sale in two sizes.) Ordered sleeves and backing board and had stickers made with my logo. It's looking all rather official.

I could get use to this. 

Sara additionally hired me to teach a creative subconscious collage workshop this month!! 

Is that like the best news ever or what! 





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Photography = a never ending opportunity to capture visual celebrations. 


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