At Make.Shift through September

September 20, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

my collage, as it turns out, was selected for the making history exhibit at make.shift in conjunction with whatcom county museum.  very exciting to be part of a collective expression of an idea.  more so when the show is juried. it feels like getting a good grade or being part of a club or something.

i get such a thrill in participating in a hanging and seeing the public interact with my work. i don't know how to explain it. a small part of me wishes i could stand next to my art and listen to what folks experience visually.  

make.shift is a venue that i am very fond of. gritty, edgy, super arty and inspires. a making place for sure.

( i snapped the above image because i really really love the frame. I will have to find someone to replicate this for me.)

thank you make.shift for the pleasure of making history with you. 

this month, and through the end of October -- i have 35 pieces of art hanging in the area. 4 venues. wow -  i'd say that's a rather beautiful thing.

3 collages at Lenny's Bike Shop in Ferndale

9 photographs at Sumas Library

1 collage at Make.Shift

22 collages at the Deming Library

Plus older series collage works at Dog And Pony Gallery in IL 



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Photography = a never ending opportunity to capture visual celebrations. 


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