Project 2017 continues as I explore the daily collage work that was created in 2017.
I am sharing chronologically. As stories, as they need to be told, or in defined themes like this:
Project 2017 :: Black And White
On FB someone had offered a challenge to post 7 black and white photographs. I participated in that challenge and decided to also collage in black and white. I loved how they turned out ( *denotes the collages completed that week) In looking back over the year I found many other black and white collages. I feel combined the collection of black and white collages have an impressive presence.
Some of the stories in these are intense. Everything from fighting winter, loneliness... to, apartment searching and disappointment, apartment finding and moving, gratitude in friendships long gone or newly found, new magazine sources, tension, anxiousness or the opposite, a feeling of boldness and strength.
You can view the collages in a larger format album here. (images 6-29) Notes from the back sides of each piece are at the end of this post.
#1 #2 #3 #2&3 #4 #5 #6 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #7 #8 #9
( notes from the back of each piece )
1. fighting off winter. good tearing 1/9
2. 2 and 3 were a two page collage - both strong individually, but very good together
3. i feel powerful today. open windows, vulnerable, chapters closing, edgy
4. zigs and zags, cool sunglasses, stepping down
5. mysterious in black and white, mourning, netting = captured. the other side of bullying. 3/30
6. no writing
7. bleak, news of not getting a cottage apartment.
8. lease signed. oh my goodness. the loft
9. moving day, june
10. dating, how time slips by, it's like a dance, at the hand of the attention of a man ( got hit on twice that day. so, unlike me )
11. star tracks in yosemite, shadowed staircases
12. * broaches, pearls and polished nails. the comfort of friends, gratitude. i feel this one.
13. *should she become bearded, the city and the divide, great rips
14. *friday the 13th, gossip, caddy, evil, pearls - when pearls were a thing
15. *a flurry of black and white, story to tell, some day. did i tell you how very by myself i am
16. *it's like a narrative of something evil or mischevious - a relationship ( more collaging on the back side )
17. * monday, chaos, mr montana, money, so tired, sleepy, out of my realm, glossy
18. *feather in the wind of...there is a feather in this collage.
19. the day of my artist talk, halloween-y, shared bdays with carol. met jon. love this piece.
20. last of the dark, eerie, spooky, halloween-esque pulled imagery
21. I C U " i see you" veterans day eagle, pride, determined. another fav - such texture
22. alone for the holiday/nov - swimming in - trying too hard to have things to do, pretending. such texture and framing
23. "the embrace" a very bleak friday. great tension in this
Photography = a never ending opportunity to capture visual celebrations.