Visqueen Dancing

May 05, 2018  •  Leave a Comment



                                                                                                                                                                      A cable appeared in my window. 

and then a rope. 

and then, at the bottom of the building there was a lift. 

We were being readied for a facelift!!

The note we were issued said power washing, patching and paint would be happening. wow. 

they asked for our patience and cooperation

this, they said, was a long term project.

up to 6 months!

my area was the first to get windows covered with visqueen.

someone said to me yesterday

"oh, that's a lot like looking through cataracts." 

The plastic definitely alters the view.

Of the 20 windows covered, only 3 got holes cut for air.


i put an inquiry to get holes for air too, but at the end of that particular day, no air hole.

it was almost 90 in here.

luckily, i found a guy. and asked for his assistance.

he took out my screens, took down the visqueen in both my windows

and promised to be back with new visqueen after the weekend, and he said, he'd make sure i had air holes.



just like he promised.

he was back.

That day the sun hit just right as he and his co-worker went about their work.

perhaps you can see why i had to find my camera.

when the utility knife was pulled out

i could not believe how cool that looked

a tad hitchcock-esque - don't you think?

When the two of them worked at the other window 

i thought it looked as if they were dancing.

TOO fun! 

We all were given air holes that day. 

And so, time went on.

and the workers worked.

when they were near my window

my air hole was taped shut,


it would be re-opened 

Often the lift,  went up and down in the course of a days work.

up and down, over and over.

so far, the paint job looks really amazing.

Finally, the visqueen came down.

once the plastic was down, it didn't mean that they were done, they still had quite a bit left to do.

it's important to note that when 

the workers are working

they are like IN your windows.

with studio apartments as they are

their presence is...

well, present.

For me as an artist, i found it was a great 

opportunity to play with light,color, shadows, lines and a cataract perspective! 


I sometimes still can't believe i am here. 5 months now.

i have felt a profound gratitude to be living here in what I call my city studio

I am experiencing a sense of security, safety and privacy, have to say it's also a relief for me that someone else can be concern about the maintenance.

My FULL image album of this adventure is here. 









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Photography = a never ending opportunity to capture visual celebrations. 


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