A group show titled "We're Hare" at Brazen Shop + Studio celebrates their one year anniversary.
I love the theme.
I made an 11 x 17 paper quilt rectangle complete with stitching. I was inspired by the charm of the theme, the icon of Brazen's store and this bunny image that randomly landed in my mailbox. additional imagery was sent to me in the mail by a gal friend. the border are images of jellyfish from a national geographic magazine.
I goofed with the backside and made it upside down. ooops
my collage work has shifted in 2019.
i am doing less daily pieces, and more installations. stay tuned.
I am delighted to be part of this charming exhibit.
i am additionally honored and delighted that Brazen includes me as one of their select vendors.
Thank you Karen and Allison