Powerful Little Things 2022

November 18, 2022  •  Leave a Comment

I am delighted to be included for the second year now in the 3rd annual Powerful Little Things Group Virtual exhibit with Roaring Artist Gallery. 

This year I submitted these lovelies ....

2x4 - ish mini vintage owl stitched collages. very one of a kind. 


Katie - the galleries founder and curator said, "These are fantastic"

She made my day!!

Third Annual Powerful Little Things 

Often when we think of art’s influence on our society, we think of large sculptures, giant murals, and installations.  But anyone with a beloved piece of art on their wall knows that art affects us just as much, if not more, on a personal level.

There is something beautiful about the accessibility of small art pieces that can fit into collectors’ homes and influence their daily lives- and something intimate and exciting about being able to take in the full message of the artist at once!

That’s the power in small art pieces, and that’s what this market and exhibition of artwork sized 24” x 24” and smaller is all about!

We hope you’ll explore our market exhibition in our 3-D Virtual Gallery above and think about who on your holiday list needs a one-of-a-kind gift.  And just as importantly, we hope you’ll consider collecting a powerful little piece for your own wall!







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Photography = a never ending opportunity to capture visual celebrations. 


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