Time Goes By Group Exhibit At Make.Shift

June 30, 2022  •  Leave a Comment

The Title Of My Collage is Timelessness


Artist Statement: Timelessness is a feeling where time doesn’t exist. A day goes by at the whim of however it lands. No pressure, no place to go, nothing to do by a certain time. No worries. 

I created this collage using the creative subconscious mind collage process with the topic of the wonder of time in my mind. I selected a few magazines that I thought might have time pieces in it. I looked for persons within those magazines that might be feeling things time. I pulled from these resources for about 10 minutes. I then created this collage from the images I had pulled. When I create this way I have to trust the process. The images pulled seem to guide the creation into its being. I always feel like the inside of me is crafting what it all might mean. I ask where should I stitch and it tells me. I know when to stop, because it lets me know. It will say to me stop. this is your message.  I see in this stitched collage that time is multi-dimensional, that it intersects. I see the pressure and the freedom of time. I see how time becomes you, or pulls at you, I see time telling all, I see when time is no longer in your hands or when time is bigger than all of us. 

exhibit can be found here.

Thank you Make.Shift for this provoking prompt!

This group exhibit will also feature an additional community project titled The Art Of Aging, which includes remarkable portraits by painter Sarah Lane and short recorded interviews of local elders. 




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