NEW Hire ; BraiZE - pop up restaurant-home of the BraiZito

January 16, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

I recently put myself out into the world as a Photographer For Hire.   2015 promises to be a super exciting and creative year!  

I just secured a wonderful project with the guys Zack and Brandon at their fabulous pop up restaurant known as BraiZE.

They asked my to photograph their distinct sandwiches known as a BraiZito. A sub style sandwich made with a homemade roll hollowed out and stuffed with goodness. The bottom of which is grilled in garlic and butter. Makes ones mouth water, doesn't it?  

They want me to shoot a day to day in service, as well as one of their Friday Fish and Chicken Fry nights.  

I just completed a shoot that captured multiple processes they have for scratch - made food items; things like their fresh mozzarella, pickles, giardiniera, cured and roasted meats, sweet potato chips and MORE.

Aren't these pickles just beautiful? 

Check out the fresh mozz ( locally sourced curds - from Ropp Dairy ) and sweet potato chip making!

That's Chef Zack by the way!

Look at the JUST brined corn beef.  

The Rueben BraiZito is to DIE for!!

Chef Zack was pleased with these images!!

I feel I am a terrific fit for this type of project! I truly appreciate the efforts of scratch made.  I also LOVE food and want to be part of the success of small businesses especially eateries.  If I could shoot photography like this each and every day I'd be quite happy!


© images by Photographer Karen Hanrahan


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Photography = a never ending opportunity to capture visual celebrations. 


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