Art Installation :: Women's Work

October 26, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

I am tremendously honored to have participated in a collaborative art installation titled Women's Work. As someone who is decidedly not political it made sense for me to stitch the "?" 

Hosted by The Bureau Of Historical Investigation

Curated by Sara Holodnick

"Featuring embroidered pieces by womxn* artists, celebrating the historical significance of changing roles & role models as the first woman representing a major political party competes for our country's highest office."

*”Womxn” used intentionally to be inclusive of the trans women who participated in this work.
Stitched expressions include:

"A Woman's Place Is In The White House"

"240 Years? Bitch, Please"

"Votes For Women"

"Deeds Not Words"

Artists who participated include: 

A - Carrie Cooper

Woman’s - Lisa Colleen Elliott

Place - Marissa McGrath

Is - Ann Darlin

In - Megan Carroll


The - Sara Holodnick

White House - Emily Holodnick


240 Years - Patrice Anne

? - Karen Hanrahan


Bitch, please - Christina Miglino


“Votes for Women” sash - Shandra Shankle, Valerie Rodriguez, Erika Rodriguez


“Deeds Not Words” dress - Sara Holodnick






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