2016 A Very Good Year

January 25, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

It was a very good year. That 2016. A triumphant year actually. Much to overcome. Yet, in it's artistic glory, a very cathartic year thanks to my art. I've been an artist wanna be my entire life. Sure I dabbled as the kids grew. My arty karen-isms always filtered into whatever I've found myself involved in, but the level in which they were part of my life would probably be defined as a hobbyist. Meaningful, productive and provoking are all words I'd use to define myself as an artist. In recent years the time I've given to my art has grown. i think of the term starving artist. i feel that an artist may not have much, but when they are creating they are at their happiest. That is exactly how i'd describe 2016. Probably to date my most producing art year ever.

Here are some of the highlights: 

"Feminominal"  2 HS Students Gather Art From Local Women. ( I had a photograph hanging in this show) 

Three Of My Collages Were In A Show in Seattle

I Released 4 sets of original collage journal pages.

Over 125 pieces ( The 200, 500, 900 and the Loose Page Series )

Marketing Hire. ( February and May )

Developed Solo Installation ( Jan - May )

Created a collage an envelope tutorial

Successful Collage Workshops at The Bureau

A Collage Circle Was Formed. 

Hire: 4 Whatcom Libraries Hosted Collage Workshops

Lost Art Project - SOLO Installation at The Bureau

Guest Post - What We Don't Know. The Bureau's Blog

Hire: Jansen Art Center ( Winter 2017 Programming )

Fall and Winter Juried Show - Jansen Art Center. 10 selections. ( photography and collage)

Women's Work Installation.  Collaborative Show

Collage A Calendar In 13 Days Collaborative with Sara Holodnick ( Email Campaign )

Narrative Photography

Three Week Photography Intensive. The topic revolved around food. 

Fun Photo Essay Highlighting My Country Studio

Notes:  The establishment known as The Bureau closed 12/31/2016.  It was a gem of a boutique championing a variety of artful humans, myself being one of them. It was easy to call this establishment my home during 2016 - and a great way to launch my artist self here in WA





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Photography = a never ending opportunity to capture visual celebrations. 


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