The Loft

November 23, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

I would say that this living space, my loft, is the oddest space I have ever lived in.

It's the third place I have lived since moving west.

Defined as commercial work/live dwellings. It's basically a garage, with a loft. The floor downstairs is cement, the bathroom is truck stop style complete with a shower that drains into the floor. There is one single south exposure window that is almost at ceiling level above the garage door. To open the window, you need a ladder. a 22 ft ladder. Airflow is a bit of an issue. I had a 4 ft by 10 ft screen made for the garage door. The screen is a work in progress. When it's warmer, it could not be more perfect, but it's too much screen for cooler/wetter times of the year. 

The loft part has a pane of glass that overlooks the downstairs, but it doesn't open. This at least allows the light in. Fifteen stairs up, fifteen stairs down. all day long. the upstairs is where the kitchen is, it's carpeted, and I sourced it with two hot plates.The biggest luxury is the huge stainless steel sink, a far cry from the 8x8 sink of the country studio. I had a closet built with a shelf for books. I use the space as my den and to cook.

The quiet here is indescribable. Respectful neighbors. And near an abundance of country roads and views. The foothills are moments away.

I love it. The story of how I found this spot is filled with synchronicity. 

As with most of this journey I have had moving west, sometimes I am not sure how I am pulling all of this off.

But I am. 



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