ART Inventory Sale

December 06, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

Two years ago I had the opportunity for the first time to vend, show and teach my art in WA. I showed, shared and facilitated collage mostly. I also showed and sold photography.

I had a bit of a learning curve about branding, packaging, marketing, and display. Many of you suffered through some of that with me and for that I am grateful. I had art sell. Many pieces sold actually. Which makes me feel like my work is valued, and that my making is having an impression on those I share it with.

Call that audience, fans, friends who love me, or collectors. Love saying that ...collectors. You all know who you are,  ALL of you are seriously awesome. 

One thing I never want is art laying around. When I had the offer to consign with Dog And Pony Gallery - I sent collage work to Peoria, IL. When things outdated themselves at a gift shop. I removed them. And NOW in my personal inventory I have some older or previously released art pieces that I'd like to find homes for. 

All said, I am having an inventory SALE and you are invited!!

Below are  images of what is reduced in price in this post but to view closer and share with me what you have an interest in please go to this GALLERY and tell me the # that is associated with the piece. That is the simplest. 

ALL items are already packaged in 8 x 10 sleeves. The last picture, is a photograph is 8 x 10, the two photographs prior are also photographs that are 5 x 7's - some collages are small or 5x7's. 

these three collages #13,15 16 should/could be sold as a grouping of three - they go together beautifully. just a thought.

MOST pieces in this gallery are priced to sell at 50% OFF.

message me please for prices.

Update: I actually forgot to post this. oops!

Collages 1-9 are now on consignment at Pegasus Gallery in Bellingham, WA.

This one is taken










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Photography = a never ending opportunity to capture visual celebrations. 


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