Birdland 2021

February 03, 2021  •  2 Comments


February 5-28, 2021

SOLD - crow


"Flock through Skagit Valley and visit Smith and Vallee Gallery for our Annual Bird Invitational. This exhibit features over 100 artists with works of our feathered friends." 

My grouping of 20 stitched BIRD collages was selected to be a part of this annual and beloved exhibit!!

I asked for assistance from the gallery as far as how to hang all of these. Ummmmmm, NOT my area of expertise. Camille just sent these images over and said it was the first thing she hung this morning. Seeing them all together so perfectly made me cry.


Nancy Henninger(non-registered)
Wow! Just Amazingly Beautiful, Wonderful work!! LOVE IT!!
What a wonderful, compact installation for these jewel-like pieces! Surely everyone will be drawn here and obliged to remain while wandering through, while standing in one place!

The details that tie them together in a coherent collection - the darker framing bands, the zig-zag stitching, the un-level composition - all work together. And the central figures of these colorful birds are just lovely.

Best of luck with the show - it looks great!
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Photography = a never ending opportunity to capture visual celebrations. 


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