2019 Essence Of Bellingham

April 11, 2019  •  1 Comment

Below are the 10 images I selected for this years Essence Of Bellingham Contest. This will by my fourth year submitting. I don't enter to win. I just participate to play. I enjoy the process of sorting images to submit simply to take a look at a year gone by from a specific perspective. 


The images below are the rest of what made the "final" folder.  I actually had way more. way too many to choose from beyond these image files. Which makes it a challenge to choose.  As I say in my bio,  I take WAY too may photographs!  What has me pick my top ten is usually what I always come back to. The ones I like in my gut.



Helga Aldrich(non-registered)
I just loved looking at all your wonderful photos, Karen. The woodcarver's hands was my favorite ... reminded me of my grandfather, whose hands were always creating something.
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Photography = a never ending opportunity to capture visual celebrations. 


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