Vibrational Collage

January 02, 2021  •  Leave a Comment

I co-taught a year long course in 2020 with one of my very favorite humans and Tarot card reader Sara Galactica. 

The course Vision 2020 combined our two passions. Tarot and collage.

This post highlights a year of my personal collage work in relationship to this course. 

At our first gathering in January we collaged journals to prepare for our work together for the upcoming year. We met in person one more time before things pandemic forced us to gather virtually.

Below is an inside cover I made for a journal. journal making with collage was new to me. I ended up making a few and used them for my personal 2020 ponderings.

I have been collaging since the late 90's. I began teaching the creative subconscious collage process to others. Mostly in workshops. I casually journaled with collage in 2013, and then collaged daily in 2017/18. The reveal in those two years were an intimate narrative of some rather challenging times. 

I relocated in 2015 to the PNW. I arrived wearing the "I am an artist" hat. Sara at the time had a wonderfully curated boutique. She was the first to host my art.

Meeting Sara was the beginning of a mutually admiring relationship. 

My collage work since has taken on many forms. Forms that as an artist I feel especially proud of.

Below is one example. - a crazy quilt style 12 x 12 piece made with paper. It took me a year to perfect this format. Much of my 2020 art work is like this.

SOLD - blackbirdsSOLD - blackbirdsSOLD - blackbirds

In observing and experiencing the collage work of 2020, especially in relationship to our teachings. These makings were different. These collages had a vibration to them.

These collages had a specific energy. a vibe. The work also had a telling. a significant meaning for the moment, or a meaning in the making. they provided a visual value parallel to the conversation we were having or a reveal of the subconscious at that time. in short, they were amazing. 


The collages below SOLD!!

That work I did within the context of an art journal was of interest to another ...felt pretty awesome.

Gathering in a virtual zoom environment did not hinder our collective. I personally am not a video and or a tech person. Had Sara not been steering that part of our virtual workshops, I would have struggled. She made it seamless and delightful. I was able to do my part and offer thought provoking content to collage with and to facilitate the creative subconscious process. We made a great teaching pair.

Participants at all levels in both tarot and collage found their own personal creative stride and style. I myself am a Tarot newbie. The coursework met for 4 workshops plus a few collage circles ( for fun! )

Additionally I decided to collage and pull tarot with the cycles of the new and full moon. To try Tarot on so to speak. In my own way I would create a collage, and then pull a card to see what Tarot had to say. Most of the time the card contributed, which I found absolutely fascinating!

Over the course of the year. A community formed. Journals were written in. New ideas were found. Recorded sessions were revisited. All of it was rather groovy.

and lovely.

and emotionally rich for those who participated in lots of unexpected ways. myself included.

I felt that it was important to cull the collage work that fit into this vibrational category to bring closure to our workshop. 

2021 will find Sara hosting a year long pilgrimage deeply steeped in her Tarot teachings.

I am launching a Collage with Karen series. ( by email invitation only. email me if you are interested )  






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Photography = a never ending opportunity to capture visual celebrations. 


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